nel punto esatto
in cui il sole smette
di essere sole
l'ombra ombra
work for ensemble, speaker and live electronics
duration 10'
Alberto Barberis - composition
Erik Oña - conduction
Anahì Traversi - speaker
Ensemble Balu (Delphine Grataloup - Charles Crabtree - Momir Novakovic -
João Carlos Pacheco - Ivan Siso - Pedro Pablo Camara Toldos)

"Nel punto esatto in cui il sole smette di essere sole, l’ombra ombra" is inspired by a poem by Fabio Pusterla, "Da una costa". The title describes a sort of 'non-place': an evanescent region, a non-existent impalpable line. This place cannot be grasped except as a movement, a passage from one condition to another. To be able to picture an image of this point it is necessary to think that two opposites come to touch each other in an infinitely small observation, under the microscope of fantasy.
performed at Gare du Nord for Nachtstrom70 Festival (2015) - Basel (CH)